product manager interview

[EXAMPLE 2] Product Manager Take Home Assignment by Lewis Lin

Here’s another recent example of a PM take-home assignment.

This assignment evaluates a PM’s UX skills. It’s very challenging; UX design is not trivial even for UX experts.

And while the assignment doesn’t say it explicitly, showing alternate designs, with a wireframing tool, is what the interviewer expects. And a lot of PM candidates don’t feel comfortable using wireframing tools.

PS I’ve got more tips about take home assignments in my book, Secrets of the Product Manager Interview.

Preparing for the Product Management Interview: Can It Be Done? by Lewis Lin

I remember my first PM interview a long time ago.

It happened during my on-site Microsoft interview for a software engineering role; the recruiters decided that they would have me interview for PM because I had strong communication skills. I had no idea what PM was all about! But I figured I’d play along, do what I was asked, and take this PM interview. Besides, they gave me a nice compliment. I had to reciprocate!

I still remember that first PM interview question: “How would you design a TV remote?” It was tough to answer because I had never used a remote before in my life!

I’ve come a long way since then: I have lots of experience using TV remotes now.

PM interview prep has come a long way as well. Our collective knowledge on how to prepare for those interviews have improved dramatically. We’ve got frameworks likes CIRCLES, AARM and DIGS to get us through tough product design, analytics, and behavioral interview questions.

To provide some encouragement, I’ve included this note I received from one of my readers. She successfully received offers from Google, Facebook and more last fall. And the cool part: she’s a busy mom too.

Conquer those interviews,

Lewis C. Lin


[EXAMPLE 1] Product Manager Take Home Assignment by Lewis Lin


There’s a new trend in product management interviews: the take home assignment.

Take home assignments can vary in their format. They can either be:

  • Written tests that revolve around hypothetical questions

  • Written tests that revolve around case questions

  • Written tests that revolve around behavioral questions

As you can note from the repetition, take home assignments are simply derivatives of PM question categories that you’re already familiar with:

  • Hypothetical questions

  • Case questions

  • Behavioral questions

Simply apply the same frameworks and tips on solving behavioral, case, and hypothetical questions from Decode and Conquer and complete the take home assignment.

PS I’ve got more tips about take home assignments in my book, Secrets of the Product Manager Interview.

PM Practice Interview Community: Our Wins by Lewis Lin

Our PM interview practice community has grown to nearly 1,000 members, and we're getting a lot of good wins including Google and Uber. If you're interviewing coveted PM interview roles, find PM interview practice partners and join the community today!

Uber PM Job Offer

This community and @lewislin is the best. just heard back from Uber, it's a yes! I had interviewed there twice before over the years, but it wasn't until I encountered Lewis, his materials, and this community that I was finally able to crack it.

Google APM Job Offer

Hey everyone! Just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for the practice sessions! I heard back from Google yesterday and got the APM position I wanted this group was extremely helpful to me! Thanks @lewislin for setting this up!