Interview Math, 2nd Edition provides over 50 practice problems and answers to help job seekers master quantitative interview questions including:

  • Market Sizing

  • Revenue Estimates

  • Profitability

  • Breakeven

  • Pricing

  • Customer Lifetime Value

If you're interviewing at one of the highly sought after positions below, you'll need to master these interview math questions:

  • Management Consulting: McKinsey, Bain, Boston Consulting Group, Deloitte

  • General Management: Capital One, Taser

  • Marketing: General Mills, Google, Hershey

  • Software Engineering: Goldman Sachs, Microsoft

  • Finance: American Airlines, Best Buy, JetBlue

You'll learn interview math concept and principles — and then master those concepts with over 50 practice questions filled with detailed answers.

After going through the book, candidates will feel knowledgeable, confident, relaxed and ready to tackle interview math questions.