8 Expert Tips and Techniques to Conquer the System Design Interview / by Lewis Lin

I'm Lewis C. Lin, the author of The System Design Interview. I'm here to share with you some valuable tips and strategies that can help you ace this critical aspect of your job search.

As a software engineer, system design is a core skill you need to excel in today's competitive job market.

Drawing from my expertise as well as experiences shared by successful candidates, Iโ€™ll provide you with practical advice that will enable you to approach these interviews with confidence and showcase your skills effectively. So let's dive into these tried-and-tested strategies designed to get you one step closer to your dream job.

1. Embrace the collaborative nature of system design

System design interviews are meant to be collaborative discussions is key to your success. Instead of treating the interview as a one-way interaction, focus on fostering a positive rapport with the interviewer. This will help create an environment where you can collaboratively explore and discuss various aspects of system design, allowing the interviewer to assess your knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills.

2. Make the most of the first 15 minutes

The initial moments of the interview are crucial for setting the tone and direction of the conversation. Use this time wisely by asking relevant questions and clarifying any ambiguities in the problem statement. By actively engaging with the interviewer, you'll demonstrate your enthusiasm for the subject matter and your ability to think critically about complex problems.

3. Don't be afraid to admit when you don't know something

Remember that nobody knows everything, and it's perfectly normal to be unfamiliar with certain aspects of system design. Instead of trying to bluff your way through the interview, be honest when you don't know something. This will show the interviewer that you possess intellectual humility and are open to learning new concepts. Moreover, it's an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your problem-solving skills by exploring potential solutions together with the interviewer.

4. Use analogies to tackle problems

Drawing parallels between software design and real-life situations can be an effective way to approach system design problems. By using analogies, you can relate complex technical concepts to everyday scenarios, making it easier to understand and communicate your ideas. This technique can help you break down problems into smaller components, allowing you to tackle them more efficiently and creatively.

5. Prepare, but don't over-prepare

While it's essential to familiarize yourself with common system design concepts and prepare for potential interview questions, don't fall into the trap of over-preparing. System design interviews are meant to evaluate your ability to think critically and creatively, rather than testing how many interview prep videos or books you've consumed. Focus on building a strong foundation in system design principles and practice applying these principles to various problem scenarios. This will help you develop the confidence and flexibility needed to tackle any system design challenge that comes your way.

6. Practice with mock interviews

One of the most effective ways to prepare for a system design interview is by participating in mock interviews. This can help you get a feel for the interview process, identify areas where you need to improve, and build your confidence. Reach out to friends or colleagues who are experienced in system design, or consider using online platforms that facilitate mock interviews. By simulating the interview environment, you'll be better prepared for the real thing.

7. Listen carefully and iterate on feedback

During the interview, be attentive to the feedback provided by the interviewer. They may offer valuable insights or point out areas that need further exploration. By actively incorporating their feedback into your design, you'll demonstrate your ability to learn and adapt on the fly. Moreover, it shows that you value collaboration and are open to refining your ideas based on input from others.

8. Stay organized and communicate clearly

Throughout the interview, strive to organize your thoughts and articulate your ideas clearly. This not only helps you keep track of your design decisions but also allows the interviewer to follow your thought process. Use visual aids such as diagrams or whiteboards to illustrate your design, and don't hesitate to clarify any points that may be unclear.


System design interviews can be challenging, but with the right approach and mindset, they can also be an excellent opportunity to showcase your skills and expertise. By embracing collaboration, making the most of the initial moments, admitting when you don't know something, using analogies, preparing without over-preparing, practicing with mock interviews, iterating on feedback, and communicating clearly, you'll be well on your way to acing your system design interview and landing your dream job.