๐ŸŽฏ How Managers Can Best Prepare for Review Season / by Lewis Lin

Today's Edition: Preparing for review season

Managers are dreading performance appraisal season, and it's just around the corner.

In this newsletter, I share tips on how managers can prepare for performance appraisal season. Follow the tips, and you'll:

  • Get organized quickly

  • Minimize your stress

  • Enlist your team's help in presenting their case

  • Get the promotions and raises your team deserves

  • Improve team morale

If you need more advice and tips, I'd be happy to help. Just reply to this email and describe your situation.

I've studied performance appraisals extensively. I'd be happy to share my thoughts by email or phone.

Performance review advice for non-managers

While my recommendations below are intended for managers, you can help your manager too.

Just use my template to rank your accomplishments by competency. Your boss will LOVE you make his or her job easier ... and you'll get the raise or promotion you deserve.

Step 1. Ask your team to prepare a summary of their key achievements

The achievements need to be short, concise and easy to remember. Ask your employees to quantify. Estimates are absolutely okay.

In short, they need to sound like crisp resume soundbites.

Step 2. Match the accomplishments to the key competencies for their role

Ask your direct reports to categorize their wins by competencies in table format. Itโ€™ll serve as your cheat sheet when youโ€™re looking for a specific example. To save time, you can use mywins by competencies template.

Step 3. Ask your employees to collect feedback from colleagues

As a busy manager, donโ€™t feel like you canโ€™t delegate peer feedback collection to your team.

And feel free to specify who they should solicit feedback from (not just their friends) and what competencies they should comment on.